Spira 65 200
Spira series is the ideal solution for small stores and in general for stores that need space saving refrigeration cabinets. Spira can be placed in narrow aisles and in less accessible departments of a small store enhancing the visibility and promotion of products’ display. In terms of technology, Spira is classified under the category of the latest generation refrigeration cabinets, bearing on its ability to satisfy the innovation requirements concerning ergonomics, use and operation features as well.
Spira belongs to the family of Clear View Cabinets. CV series is mainly characterized by its minimal lines, with a large, clear frame that satisfies the needs for the maximum products’ display and promotion, while at the same time enables the consumer to have access to products not easily reached in other cabinets. Another major advantage of Spira series is energy efficiency and functionality. Standard version can carry Led lighting system, electronic fans for energy reduction up to 70%, stainless steel bumper rails and holders for any type of price labelling. Suitable for a broad range of refrigerated products: Packed Charcuteries and Cheese, Dairy Products, Packed meats, Packed & Fresh Fruit and Vegetables.
Μήκος χωρίς πλαϊνά Οριζόντια επιφάνεια προβολής 1250mm 3,43m² 1875mm 5,14m² 2500mm 6,85m² 3750mm 10,28m²